About this Project

March 15th, 2019

This website, Action TUAT!, was developed for international students and researchers who study and carry out research at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT) to expand their experiences in Japan through better interacting with people in a variety of situations. I hope that you will enjoy communicating in Japanese not only with language, but also using gestures, tone of voice, physical movements, etc.

The scenes shown on the website are places of actual communication on our campuses. You can exchange opinions with others and share your real experiences at various places with texts and pictures.

The videos are just examples of people’s encounters on TUAT campuses. I hope that you will develop your own communication experiences in real settings.

I would like to express my sincere thanks to TUAT students who are on the videos: Ben Chew (Malaysia), Ea Kristine (Philippines), Koji Sato (Japan), Paul Nyametease (Ghana), Wares MD. Abdul, Sarker Roma Rani, along with Khatun Fahima (all from Bangladesh), and Daniel Arnold (Germany).

Also, I appreciate the contribution by the following professionals: Yasuo Otsuka of BeachsideWorks who worked on the web production, Ryuta Suzuki, a doctoral candidate at TUAT, for his technical support, and Ms. Patricia McGahan, of TUAT, who checked English carefully.

In addition, one of the inspirations for the project came from the highly respected Japanese language textbook “Action! Japan: A Field Guide to Using Japanese in the Community” www.routledge.com/cw/noda I thank its authors Mari Noda, Yui Iimori Ramdeen, Stephen D. Luft, Thomas Mason, Jr. and the publisher Routledge for kindly allowing me to use the “Action” name.

Finally, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Machiko Uehara and Mayumi Yamazaki, who have worked together in the creation of this website.

This project was conducted as a KAKENHI, a Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2016 to 2018, entitled “Multimodal Analysis for Plurilingual Language Users at Science Universities” (Project No. 6041452, Principal Investigator: Tomoko Hongo).




プロジェクトを遂行するにあたって、たくさんの農工大の学生が協力してくれました。 Ben Chewさん(マレーシア)、Ea Kristineさん(フィリピン)、佐藤公治さん(日本)、Paul Nyameteaseさん(ガーナ)、Wares MD. Abdulさん、 Sarker Roma Raniさん、Khatun Fahimaさん(以上、バングラデシュ)、Daniel Arnoldさん(ドイツ)、皆さん、ありがとうございました。

また、Web制作を担当してくださったBeachsideWorksの大塚靖雄さん、テクニカルサポートをしてくださった東京農工大学博士課程の鈴木龍汰さん、英語チェックをしてくださった東京農工大学英語教員Patricia McGahan先生にもたいへん感謝いたします。

さらに、ご著書タイトルの一部を使用させてくださった“Action! Japan: A Field Guide to Using Japanese in the Community” www.routledge.com/cw/noda の著者、野田眞理先生, Yui Iimori Ramdeen先生、Stephen D. Luft先生、Thomas Mason, Jr.先生 およびRoutledge出版社にも心よりお礼を申し上げます。


このプロジェクトは、平成28年度~平成30年度科研費助成事業「理系大学における複数言語使用者の「位置取り」を探るマルチモーダル分析」(課題番号6041452研究代表者 本郷智子)として行われたものです。


Technical support:

Yasuo Otsuka
Ryuta Suzuki
Kesevan Veloo

English proofreading:

Patricia McGahan